Partners and Stakeholders

The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) is supported by and works closely with the NSW Government and other organisations and agencies.

We work in partnership with Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHP) and the Aboriginal community in delivering housing programs and developing housing policy and standards. Our approved registered housing providers are listed here.

Our stakeholders include:

  • Aboriginal people at risk of homelessness or in need of assistance to rent or buy their home.
  • Tenants of AHO-owned homes.

The AHO places great importance on its relationships and partnerships with all stakeholders in the NSW Aboriginal community housing sector, including other Government agencies, both State and Federal.

This is evidenced by our commitment to consult with the Aboriginal community through our Regional Aboriginal Housing Committees (RAHCs) and on all significant program and policy matters.

The AHO works in close cooperation with:

  • Homes NSW AHO is part of Homes NSW within the Department of Communites and Justice (DCJ).
  • Aboriginal Affairs.
  • Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet (Australian Government).
  • Indigenous Business Australia A partnership to provide incentives for tenants of AHO owned properties to purchase the property in which they live. This scheme is known as the IBA/AHO Home Purchase Scheme.
  • NSW Aboriginal Land Council NSWALC is the peak body for land councils. NSWALC is a key stakeholder in the AHO's improvements to the Aboriginal community housing sector as around 60 per cent of the sector is made up of Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs). The AHO works in close association with the NSWALC and LALCs on housing related issues including sector strengthening.
  • NSW Treasury.


  • acknowledge

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to the Elders, both past and present.

Apology to the Stolen Generations