1. Overview
The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) provides funding support to Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHP) for the purpose of carrying out operational and management services, including acquisition and construction of properties.
topUnder Section 26 of the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 (NSW) In order to be eligible to receive funding or assistance through any of our programs, ACHPs need to be registered with the AHO.
2. Aboriginal cultural competency standards
Aboriginal cultural competency standards
Seven Aboriginal cultural competency standards for self-assessment have been developed through a collaborative process with the community housing sector. The self-assessment process will enable community housing providers to review and improve their cultural competency in relation to these standards.
Developing cultural competency standards within the mainstream community housing sector is a key deliverable of the Community Housing for Aboriginal People 2012-14 Strategy (CHAP).
topThe Aboriginal Housing Office is at the forefront of developing and delivering initiatives that support the Aboriginal Housing Sector as it strives towards improved housing management and financial sustainability.
3. Building standards
Building standards
The AHO updated its Standards for New Supply, New Acquisitions and Repairs Maintenance in 2014.
The intent of the Standards is to set out the minimum AHO requirements (taking into account budget conditions) for a dwelling to be constructed, purchased or receive repairs and maintenance.
The AHO Standards provide clarity and clear direction on what ‘works’ can and cannot be done.
- The AHO will take into consideration however, any requests from ACHPs in regards to deleting items from the identified works.
- The AHO also has a duty to ACHPs to reduce future maintenance liabilities.
- The AHO has reviewed the Standards with this in mind and is committed to achieving value for money which will maximise its capacity to acquire new housing and carry out repairs and maintenance.
These measures will enable as many Aboriginal families and community members as possible to be housed in a safe and well maintained community dwelling
top4. Provider contract and performance management
Provider contract and performance management
The AHO contracts a range of organisations to provide housing services for Aboriginal people under the Aboriginal Housing Act, 1998 (NSW). The AHO's approach to managing these contracts is detailed in the Provider Contract and Performance Management Framework.
The Framework aims to:
- identify and express the AHO's contract and performance management obligations relating to housing providers
- promote a culture of contract and performance management
- support the operation of effective and efficient contract management procedures and systems
- enable the AHO to build strong relationships with Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) and other organisations to ensure housing and other services are in accordance with the objectives of the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 (NSW).
The AHO engages external service providers from across the housing sector and non-government sector including:
- Specialist Aboriginal service delivery organisations.
- Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs).
- General community housing providers.
- Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
- NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC).
Information Collection and Reporting
The AHO asks service providers to supply information through regular reports that make it possible to:
- monitor the delivery of services on the AHO's behalf, and
- confirm the objectives of the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 (NSW) are being met.
The Provider Contract and Performance Management Framework provides information about the principles for AHO information collection and reporting, and how the AHO used information collection from providers.
Legislation Basis
The AHO has specific responsibilities and powers under the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 (NSW):
- Part 3, Section 10
- The AHO may enter into agreements with registered Aboriginal housing organisations in relation to funding, housing and other assistance.
- Part 4, Section 19(2)(a)
- The AHO may, under the conditions of an AHO housing agreement, require the registered Aboriginal housing organisation concerned to meet specified standards and targets in relation to the Aboriginal housing services and programs provided by that Aboriginal housing organisation.
- Part 4, Section 19(2)(b)
- The AHO may, under the conditions of an AHO housing agreement, ensure that the funding, housing and other assistance provided to the registered Aboriginal housing organisation is used for the purposes for which it was provided.
- Part 4, Section 23(2)
- The AHO may monitor the activities of a registered Aboriginal housing organisation to determine whether it is complying with the terms and conditions of an AHO housing agreement.