Famey Williams
Chief Executive
Famey is a proud Githabul woman (Mother’s country); with connections to Gomeroi country (Father’s country), has more than 18 years’ experience working with Aboriginal communities across NSW in senior government and non-for-profit organisations. Her roles at the AHO include Acting Chief Executive and Deputy Secretary, Director of Housing and Client Services among other roles.
Raised on Gumbaynggirr Country of the mid-North Coast of NSW, Famey’s childhood and family have influenced her career and she takes those lessons into all her professional interactions with a broad range of stakeholders.

Mick Higgins
Director Housing and Client Services
Mick is a Yorta Yorta and Wiradjuri man from the south west slopes and plains of southern NSW and currently lives in western Sydney.
His experiences ranges from 15 years in the NSW public service across areas of Aboriginal public health, child protection, project management, community development, event management, policy and service development and design.
Prior to joining AHO in 2020, for almost ten years he worked in national and state-based Aboriginal peak bodies incorporating advocacy, policy and service delivery in the areas of out-of-home care, prevention and early intervention, human rights and legal services.
Taking a human rights approach, Mick possesses a strong passion for reducing the gap around critical areas of health, early education, housing and legal supports and, particularly around ensuring Aboriginal children are receiving the best possible start to their life and that they have positive connections to their culture/s and kinship networks/communities.

Loshana Karthikeya
Director Performance and Finance
Loshana Karthikeya is a long serving staff member of the AHO (11 years) and brings expertise across the finance and accounting industries with many years of experience in both the private (banking) and public sector.
Loshana holds qualifications in chartered accounting, business and project management as well as a graduate diploma in applied finance and investments. Loshana has also worked for DPE Finance which gives her a broad depth of experience over the entire division of planning and environment.
Loshana has led the Finance team for over six years and has delivered exceptional results. Her team is highly regarded in the public service and has assisted in gaining significant extra funding for the AHO. This has resulted in increased housing, maintenance and solar/air conditioning for Aboriginal tenants.
Loshana is a passion advocate for improving the lives of our tenants at the Aboriginal Housing Office. Loshana feels she is greatly privileged to work for an organisation whose aim is to change people’s lives for the better.

Deslin Foster
Director Policy and Evidence
Deslin Foster is an experienced senior manager, bringing over 20 years of expertise in workforce development, strategic planning and human services. Deslin has qualifications in business, mental health and project management, and has worked across corporate, not for profit and government sectors.
Deslin started her career at ANZ Bank, working in project and risk management, before delivering ANZ’s nationally successful Aboriginal Employment program. Since being seconded to Reconciliation Australia in 2004 Deslin has continued to work alongside Aboriginal people and communities leading initiatives to address social injustice and supporting communities to achieve their goals.
Deslin stated her ambition for the AHO Policy and Evidence Division is to provide a clear evidence base to underpin AHO’s work and inform future investment, and to lead strategic policy discussions with AHO stakeholders, collaboratively designing policies and ensuring their application delivers positive outcomes for Aboriginal people, communities and organisations.

Tony Lloyd
Director Strategic Support
Tony joined the AHO in 2015. He has an extensive experience in helping organisations align to their vision and purpose and in building their strengths and capabilities. He has led diverse human resource functions in highly successful organisations in consumer goods, a state-owned corporation and the public sector and holds qualifications in business, human resources and change management.
Tony loves the diversity of challenges and opportunities in leading the Strategic Support team at the AHO. He is passionate about business partnership and providing high standards of service and support to AHO teams across the very broad spectrum of specialisations in Strategic Support.
Tony feels privileged to be with the AHO and its dedicated staff in their work with Aboriginal people, communities, and organisations.
Ashley Livingston
Director Property
Ash Livingston is a long serving staff member of the AHO (13 years) and brings expertise across the asset management, construction, and maintenance industries.
Ash holds qualifications in Building and Construction, Project Management and Asset Management. Over his time at the AHO, he has bought about great change through innovative delivery of construction and maintenance programs ensuring quality homes for Aboriginal social housing tenants across NSW.
Ash says he has been privileged to have the opportunity to build connections with the community over the past 13 years and is extremely passionate about delivering positive outcomes for Aboriginal communities.