The AHO welcomes the appointment of three new Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) Board Members: Jaymee Beveridge, Glenn Johnston and Katie Moore.
“These three board members will bring additional skills in governance, strategy and policy areas, and we’re excited to have them join our all-Aboriginal board” said Damien Barnes, Chair of the AHO Board.
In addition to welcoming the three new Board members, we’d also like to congratulate Craig Taylor and Aunty Bev Manton on having their terms renewed.
Glenn Johnston
A proud Dharug man, Glenn was born, raised and still lives on Dharug Country. He can trace 6 generations of his Aboriginal ancestors to Dharug Country, maintaining a long unbroken connection to Country.
Glenn has more than 30 years of executive leadership experience across private and public sectors and is a prominent international advocate and sought after public speaker in the development of Aboriginal businesses and building a prosperous Aboriginal business economy.
He has many years of Board and high impact committee experience. He is a current director of Supply Nation (deputy Chair), Yilabara (Chair) and Playgroup NSW (Chair). He is an appointed AICD NSW Division Councillor and sits on the AICD NFP Chair’s Forum and AICD First Nations Forum. He is a past director of AIATSIS Foundation and NSW Branch Chair of global peak professional body Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS).
Glenn is a Professor of leadership at University of NSW School of Business AGSM, designing and delivering MBA and executive programs with a distinct Aboriginal content on culture and leadership.
Jaymee Beveridge (nee Demos-Ross)
A proud Murri woman from Bindal, far north Queensland, Jaymee has family ties to the Torres Strait Island. She celebrates the many cultures that are part of her story – she also has Scottish heritage from her maternal grandmother and was raised in a Greek family environment.
Jaymee brings 18+ years of public service experience (both federal and state government) and not-for-profit experience. She seeks out work that work that impacts vulnerable, high needs and complex individuals and communities, having worked in housing, child protection, education and training, mental health, drug and alcohol, domestic violence and homelessness.
Jaymee has extensive corporate governance and risk management knowledge. She serves on multiple boards and advisory groups, including various NSW Government departments and the local Aboriginal Medical Service.
She currently holds the position of University of Wollongong’s Vice President, Indigenous Strategy and Engagement, is an IMB Community Foundation Committee member, is a foster/kinship carer and co-founder of an Illawarra volunteer service called ‘Keeping Kids on Country’.
Jaymee recently became Harvard Kennedy School alumni after winning the Roberta Sykes Education Scholarship.
Katie Moore
Katie is passionate about creating meaningful change for the equitable justice of people and communities to address minimal representation in current policies and economic structures. She believes that our communities hold a unique role in determining social, economic and environmental justice. She is also completing research in how Indigenous governance is defined and practiced in local, place-based settings.
Katie was a recipient of the UN Women National Committee Australia MBA Scholarship where she graduated as University of Sydney’s first Indigenous MBA graduate and recipient of the Graduate Medal for Postgraduate Leadership.
Katie is General Manager – Policy, Research and Strategic Programs at Reconciliation Australia. Her director and advisory roles include Non-Executive Director at Relationships Australia (NSW) and a member of KU Children’s Services Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.
She proudly identifies with her Aboriginal heritage of the Wiradyuri people in Central NSW and lives on Darug land in Western Sydney.
Farewell to Suzanne Ingram
We'd also like to thank outgoing board member, Suzanne Ingram for her service, and wish her the best as she pursues academic ventures.
AHO Board Members
From 13 August 2024, the AHO board consists of:
- Damien Barnes (Chair)
- Beverley Manton
- Steven Adams
- Joshua Gilbert
- Craig Kerslake
- Craig Taylor
- Yvonne Weldon
- Kim Whiteley
- Glenn Johnston
- Jaymee Beveridge (nee Demos-Ross)
- Katie Moore
- Famey Williams
The AHO is governed by a Board of Aboriginal members who provide advice to the Minister for Housing and Homelessness, The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC, on Aboriginal housing issues in NSW. Read more about the board on the Our Board page.