Maps illustrating aspects of Aboriginal NSW and AHO regions
AHO-owned properties by location
An interactive dashboard showing the location of all AHO-owned dwellings by various administrative boundaries. The dashboard further breaks down these dwellings as to whether they are managed by an Aboriginal Community Housing Provider (ACHP), a Community Housing Provider (CHP) or by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ). It is also possible to filter by type of dwelling and by bedroom category. The information is available for June 2020 and June 2023. If any of the tables need to be extracted, please send a formal request to [email protected], indicating which table(s), which filters and which period are required.
Utilising data from the previous financial year up to June 2023, chosen for its thorough reconciliation across departments, ensures the utmost accuracy in reflecting AHO-owned dwellings.
AHO Regions
See also
Network of 120 local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) is divided into nine regions