
Includes factsheets about water usage, management transfers, build and grow, ERA, PARS, housing pathways

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Property insurance update for ACHPs

The AHO has reviewed its approach to property insurance options to help address increasing premium costs. Starting March 1, 2024, AHO will take over the cost of flood cover for its properties. By taking on responsibility for the more expensive flood cover component, the AHO allows ACHPs to invest in the success of their property portfolio. 

Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) should be aware of the changes because they affect the AHO properties you manage. These updates mean ACHPs need to:

1. Take out building insurance coverage (with optional flood cover) for damages up to $250,000 (excluding GST) per property owned by the AHO. 

2. Note the AHO as an interested party on your insurance policies. 

3. Continue to advise the AHO of any claims or damages to properties.

4. Read the "Property investment update for ACHPs" document for more detail. 

Social Housing Accelerator Fund

This is the first in a series of factsheets to summarise the frequently asked questions for all topics under the SHAF ACHP New Supply and Upgrade Grants. 

Water Usage Ministerial Guidelines - FAQs

Water Usage Ministerial Guidelines - FAQs

Information for clients contacted

TAB G Information for clients contacted (password protected file)

Housing Management Activities - Factsheet 4

Registration and outsourcing housing management activities

Strong Family, Strong Communities Fact Sheet

Strong Family, Strong Communities is the AHO’s new strategic framework for Aboriginal social housing.

Notice Of Appeal Form

Use this from to appeal against NSW Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) decisions regarding registration, resource allocation, and funding

  • acknowledge

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to the Elders, both past and present.

Apology to the Stolen Generations